Session: #415

Theme & Session Format

Archaeology and the European Year of Cultural Heritage
Session format:
Discussion session: round table

Title & Content

Professionalisation in a time of uncertain economies and politics: The EAA's Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology
he CPAA is one of EAA;s committees and meets annually. This year significant changes and progress have been made by a number of the professional or like-minded associations in European archaeology and we invite representatives to meet and continue discussions about developing greater cooperation between groups and the continued efforts to establish new organisations or national chapters of existing organisations. The international organisation Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (based in the UK) has assisted the formation of a national group by German colleagues (CIfA Deutschland) and in exploring opportunities to work with colleagues in Poland and Italy, as well as continuing to develop it's Memorandum of Understanding with the IAI in Ireland and with EAA itself. The situation with Spanish colleagues in the Colegio de Doctores y Liscensiados (a state recognised 'college' or 'chamber' ) is in a process of change and we follow developments closely.
Professionalism, professional associations
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:


Main organiser:
Dr Gerald Wait (United Kingdom) 1
Dr Mark Spanjer (Netherlands) 2
1. Triskelion Heritage
2. Saxion University